Another World is Possible Fund will provide Colorado Council for Urban Youth Development (CCFUYD) with the funds to continue feeding area youth. COVID -19 has highlighted the many disparities that are plaguing our Black and Brown FNE community. CCFUYD is also looking for a larger space to assist students in grades 1st -3rd who have been impacted before and during COVID, with DPS Black students reporting reading scores being more than 36% lower than white students. Black youth are 7x’s and Latinx students are 3x’s more likely to receive out of school suspensions than whites students. For the last six years, CCFUYD’s summer reading program has proven to encourage reading and writing activities during the summer months. CCFUYD will continue to drive change by teaching youth how to advocate for themselves, in school, and the community positively.
Location: Denver, CO
Mission: We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our community. Our members and volunteers provide the momentum that helps us affect change. Using data-driven models, we offer solutions that make a lasting difference that lead to developed leaders.
Website: coloradocouncilforurbanyouthdevelopment.org