Another World is Possible Fund supports Breaking Our Chains with funds to launch a Mutual Aide initiative, “Justice Serves.” Justice Serves will build deep relationships with parents and children, strengthen leadership, and build capacity and for the organization.
Location: Denver, CO
Mission: Breaking Our Chains (BOC) is committed and established to a multi-generation approach in creating sustainable communities for People of Color, which are free from violence and brutality through education and advocacy; by breaking barriers created by institutionalized racism, gentrification and disparities in economics. BOC is a grass-tops coalition and youth-voice driven social justice campaign that is directly aimed at disrupting and dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline by infusing and empowering communities of color with a culturally responsive liberation pedagogy and the tools and resources to apply it. BOC co-established with National Black Child Development Institute Denver Affiliate (BCDI-Denver) #OurVoiceOurSchools (#OVOS); a grassroots organization founded on the pillars: LOVE – EDUCATE – ORGANIZE – AGITATE – ADVOCATE; created to empower student youth, parents, communities and stakeholders to engage schools in order to create a Loving Community School Zone and Network that produce equitable education outcomes for ALL children.
Website: www.breakingourchains.org