Location: Broomfield, CO
Mission: The People of the Sacred Land
Mission statement: Our mission is to “support American Indian people to preserve their culture, language and ways of life that were intimately tied to the land.” Just like the wolves who are being returned to Colorado, we too would like to be able to be welcomed in our own land. Our first call to action, is to get a law rescinded that calls for Colorado citizens to kill hostile Indians and take their property. Our second immediate call to action, is to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to study the conspiracy, genocide and fraudulent conveyance of Indian land in Colorado via the actions of the Fort Wise Treaty of 1861. This is an initiative that is led by the decedent’s of the people who were violently removed from the area. We appreciate your support in helping us achieve our goals.
Website: http://peopleofthesacredland.org