Another World is Possible Fund support United for a New Economy (UNE) in growing their digital capacities to recruit and engage membership as on-going engagement has shifted from in-person engagement to digital engagement. The transition has been hard for some members who do not have access to technology or need support and hands-on training from UNE to use digital tools. UNE will also use the Another World is Possible Fund grant to respond to pressing needs amplified by COVID-19. UNE is building on policy demands it has already been working on—including the PFML program and executive orders related to housing costs (rent and mortgage). UNE is expanding these demands to include issues related to the current crisis, which are hitting low-income people and families the hardest.
Location: Commerce City, CO
Mission: United for a New Economy (UNE) works towards its vision by building community power through organizing; community activism and innovative policy solutions.
Website: unecolorado.org