Another World is Possible Fund is supporting Denver Homeless Out Loud (DHOL) in addressing the crisis needs of people living without housing in Denver. While homelessness has been in a crisis state for many years, the pandemic is exacerbating homelessness in our community. Funding will provide sanitation resources like port-a-potties, hand washing stations, and dumpsters to encampments as well as tents, sleeping bags, and other survival gear to folks living outside. Funds support overall advocacy work to speak truth to power in fighting for decriminalization of homelessness and housing for all, especially in a pandemic where shelters are not a safe place to be. Funds will assist with paying rent, printing materials, serving food, maintaining technology, and other ongoing needs of DHOL’s work.
Location: Denver, CO
Mission: Denver Homeless Out Loud (DHOL) works with and for people who experience homelessness to help protect and advocate for dignity, rights, and choices for people experiencing homelessness. We commit our efforts toward goals affirmed and raised by homeless people, within our organization, and throughout the homeless community. We strive to add our strengths together to expose the root causes of homelessness and to create ways of living in which everyone has a safe place they can call home.