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Below is a list of funding resources and mutual aid opportunities for our grantees and member community related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you have resources or links to share, please send them to Program Director Juliette Lee at


Rapid Response and other Emergency Funds for organizations 

Colorado: The Colorado Health Foundation has opened up several rapid response funds for organizations serving the health needs of their community. Apply for their Emergency Hunger Relief fund or sign up to get an update when their organizational COVID relief fund is ready.

Colorado: Philanthropy Colorado has an excellent and continually growing list of state-based funders who have opened emergency funds.

Colorado: The state has a all out for an emergency volunteer force and is now accepting applications for relief funds to support organizations whose constituents need support.

Colorado: The Latino Community Foundation is launching a special COVID-19 response fund called the Ayuda Fund. Check their website for updates about when those funds are available.

National: Social justice funder, Emergent Fund, is opening a rapid response fund. This is fund is dedicated to grassroots community organizing work and a good match for our grantees.

National: Primarily a list of places to give From the Donors of Color Network, but many grantees could be eligible for funds from these groups that are collecting donations at this time.

National: List of funds offering COVID-19 relief dollars for undocumented communities and individuals

Natonal: New Media Ventures has expanded its grant applicant call for progressive organizations, with a focus on start ups looking to shift power


Mutual Aid and Other Resources 

Colorado: Resource list and guides for older adults and their families from the Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment

Colorado: The Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition has a resource page for folks living with a disability

Colorado: Comprehensive list of services for undocumented community members. Second tab is in Spanish.

Colorado: Onward CO is a state-sponsored resource page for individuals seeking employment and employment support

Boulder Metro: SAFE: Safe Access for Everyone a mutual aid network

Boulder Metro: Food resources list, collated by Boulder Food Rescue in both Spanish and English

Northern CO: Northern Colorado Community Mutual Aid and Defense

Summit County: Grantee Mountain Dreamers has an excellent resource list for immigrants that includes meals, worker rights, and legal defense. In Spanish and English.

Denver Metro: Front Range Mutual Aid Network. Link to their Facebook page.

Denver Metro: Mutual Aid Denver

Denver Metro: Mutual aid intake forms that will match you for support. Need help?  Want to help?

Denver Metro: Another Front Range Mutual Aid Network (you have to request to join on Facebook)

Denver Metro: Lynn Flanagan has an excellent list of Mutual Aid opportunities including meals, utility support, and other needs.

Denver Metro: Giving Project member Lindsey Earl has created a match survey for mutual assistance: she’s connecting folks who have been laid off and seeking employment with folks who are seeking support running errands or babysitting.

Denver Metro: A list of operating food pantries.

Denver Metro: Rent and Utility Help from the city

Denver Metro: Sign up for a CSA share with Frontline Farming and support community organizing work for food growing, education, sovereignty, and justice.

National: Alexandra Madaras and several other students in Ohio created a Service Workers Mutual Aid Fund. All service workers are eligible to apply for flex funds to support them at this time. To REQUEST funds, apply here. To DONATE, give via Paypal here.

National: Mutual Aid Disaster Relief (National), a Facebook page foe support

National: Mutual Aid U.S. Directory

National: Domestic Workers (National Domestic Workers Alliance) have set up a coronavirus care fund

National: Soul Fire Farm’s list of how-to videos led by BIPOC members for sustainably growing food


Organizing for Justice during the pandemic

Colorado: Colorado Rent Strike and Eviction Defense

Colorado: CIRC’s petition to Gov. Polis to project immigrants during the crisis

Colorado: Action steps to advocate lawmakers to support disability justice in any COVID-19 response

Colorado: Workers, know your rights during this pandemic, from Towards Justice

National: Rent Strike 2020

National: The National Bail Fund Network’s COVID-19 Response Guidance Sheet (support for incarcerated individuals)

National: Article on decentralized organizing in moments of crisis,  from Movement Netlab Resources




Talking About COVID-19: A Call for Racial, Economic and Health Equity by the Opportunity Agenda

Radical solidarity through Covid-19 from Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

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