Another World is Possible Fund is supporting Center for Working Families – Colorado with funds to continue organizing in SW Colorado through a COVID response and relief project in a partnership with United Today, Stronger Tomorrow (a project of Community Change) and the Colorado AFL-CIO. In the first five months of this project, they have built a strong base of community members who crafted a vaccine equity petition that has been shared with the Colorado Department of Public Health and with Rick Palacio, Co-Chair of Colorado’s COVID Equity Taskforce. Center for Working Families intends to deepen its existing organizing infrastructure, pivot to focusing on community engagement around the American Rescue Plan funding, and eventually expand to other parts of the state.
Location: Statewide
Mission: We are the official Colorado chapter of Working Families, dedicated to upholding progressive values through direct action and electoral victory. Our mission is to empower people, organizations, and communities to build a multiracial and feminist populist movement that strengthens democracy and advances racial, social, and economic justice.
Website: ww.workingfamilies.org/states/colorado/