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Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan

Mission: Chinook Fund seeds community-led, systemic change by mobilizing resources for and trusting in grassroots social justice organizations across Colorado.

Vision: Chinook Fund envisions a Colorado where social justice movements are abundantly resourced and liberated communities are thriving.

Lamar Unidos, Fall 2023 grantee

Our Values

As we do our work, we are guided by the following values:


In our words and actions, we honor the inherent dignity, strength, and wisdom of the individual and the collective. We actively challenge practices that dehumanize and isolate people, and cultivate practices that bring people together across our differences to achieve community-led, systemic change, justice, and peace. We believe everyone has a role to play in collective liberation.


We build caring, respectful relationships with one another. Recognizing our interdependence, we are committed to action that moves us all closer to our vision of liberation, connection and abundance. We honor our relationship with the natural world, which sustains us all.


We are honest, accessible, and transparent in our work, and advocate for the same in our partner organizations and in the field of philanthropy. We understand the power and responsibility that comes with being a mobilizer of financial resources, and are accountable to our community.


We encourage learning, experimentation, and innovative thinking, as well as support the development of grassroots leaders. We embrace our role as leaders in the movement for social justice philanthropy, and are willing to take strategic risks in service of our vision of abundantly resourced movements. We intentionally center BIPOC leadership and prioritize funding BIPOC-led groups.

2024 Strategic Plan

Over the course of a year, our board and staff members worked to imagine and craft our vision for the world we know is possible. We are excited to share our strategic plan with you. Special thanks go to Project Mosaic for their support with our strategic planning process.

As part of the strategic plan process, Chinook Fund board and staff comprehensively reviewed our core organizational pillars and reaffirmed our mission, vision, and values. You can trust that Chinook Fund remains steadfast in our mission to seed community-led, systemic change by mobilizing resources for and trusting in grassroots social justice organizations across Colorado. In support of our vision, Chinook Fund identified four areas for action in the coming years.

Chinook Fund is forever committed to growing, evolving, and changing with the times. From our future name change to deepening our political education around Black Liberation and Indigenous Sovereignty, this Strategic Plan affirms and powerfully centers grassroots and BIPOC leadership at all levels of the organization.

Crystal MiddlestadtExecutive Director

Renaming and Rebranding Chinook Fund

Chinook Fund’s founders named the organization after the Chinook Winds, a warm spring wind that melts snow over the Rockies. These winds were a symbol for the change Chinook Fund founders envisioned for our communities. We honor this history, and acknowledge that the term “Chinook” refers to a group of Indigenous Peoples, cultures, and languages of the Pacific Northwest, which the Chinook Winds were named after. We acknowledge and affirm the cultural, political, and historical significance of the term “Chinook” in the Pacific Northwest, and we look forward to gathering community feedback as we embark on the journey towards our new organizational name.

Action items:

  • Create realistic timeline
  • Balance urgency with capacity
  • Prioritize a budget for rebranding
  • Invite the board to play an active role in the process
  • Gather community feedback in the process
Group of people march down a street in a large crowd holding a banner that says Winds of Change Chinook Fund

Archival image showing the original ‘winds of change’ branding

Defining Black Liberation and Indigenous Sovereignty

With the support of community members, grantees, and board members, Chinook Fund will continue to develop and refine our organization’s understanding of Black Liberation and Indigenous Sovereignty as it relates to grantmaking, political education, and organizational leadership. We committed to this racial justice priority, along with peers in the National Giving Project Network, during our 2019 strategic planning process.

Action items:

  • Acknowledge these are evolving concepts
  • Deepen internal political education on these concepts
  • Consider diverse perspectives
  • Update relevant frameworks in training modules
  • Clarify definitions in Giving Project curricula and priority funding areas
Group of folks connected to Justice for the People Legal Center stand in hallway of capitol building

Justice for the People Legal Center, Fall 2023 Grantee

Clarify and Shift Funding Criteria

We look forward to refining Chinook Fund’s funding criteria to better align with the organization’s mission and vision. We do not anticipate significant changes to core criteria or priority areas. To drive this work forward, we will be convening a Program Committee that includes representatives from grantee organizations.

Action items related to rebranding/renaming:

  • Convene Program Committee to gather feedback from grantees, Giving Project alum, and community members
  • Update criteria and definitions
  • Ensure all staff are well trained on implementing updated funding criteria throughout grantmaking process
  • Recommit to practice of providing feedback to grant applicants whose requests are denied
Person walking down city sidewalk with several bags and graffiti in the background

DASHR, Fall 2023 Grantee

Aligning Internal Culture

We commit to ensuring staff feel supported, resourced, and valued. To foster a healthy culture and work environment, we remain committed to a 32-hour full-time work week and plan to deepen investments in team building, collaborative goal-setting, and cultivating spaces of belonging. Meet our staff team.

Action items:

  • Ensure staff feel supported and resourced
  • Conduct staff satisfaction surveys
  • Track hiring and retention metrics
  • Invest more in staff retreats
  • Center team-building, goal setting, and culture-building
Chinook Fund staff photo with seven people of various races, ages, and abilities

Chinook Fund Staff Team, Summer 2024

Next Steps

As we progress with our strategic plan, we look forward to continue seeding organizations at the forefront of racial, economic, disability, immigrant, and LGBTQ+ justice.

If you feel inspired by this work and want to be further involved with Chinook Fund, we invite you to join a Giving Project or make a gift to Chinook Fund.

Change not charity

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